EU-høring om forlengelse av Covid-sertifikat

08. april 2022 var det frist for EU-høringen om forlengelse av EU Digital COVID Certificate (EUs koronasertifikat), et system som Norge i det stille og helt ubemerket har knyttet seg til. Høringene, lovforslagene og andre forsøk på å innføre permanente systemer for frihetsinnskrenking kommer nå så tett (og i skjul av krisen i Ukraina) at vi i Lov og Helse knapt klarer å få med oss alt, og langt mindre rekker å respondere på alt. En av våre jurister forfattet et kort brev som vi med nød å neppe rakk å få sendt innenfor tidsfristen.

Språket, eller “begrunnelsene” for det som ønskes innført, både i Norge og andre deler av verden er interessant å se nærmere på. Hvis man leser hva EU selv skriver om det allerede innførte Covid-sertifikatet sier de dette:

The EU Digital COVID Certificate is a success story of the EU. The Certificate continues to facilitate safe travel for citizens across the European Union during these times of the pandemic. So far, 807 million certificates were issued in the EU. The EU Digital COVID Certificate has set a global standard: by now 60 countries and territories across five continents have joined the system.

Vi ser noe av det samme språket i EUs ønske om å forlenge dette systemet:

The EU Digital COVID Certificate helps people travel freely within the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. How the certificate is used for other purposes (access to events, etc.) is up to each EU country to decide.

For å konkretisere poenget her – først ser vi at “sertifikatet sørger for at vi kan reise trygt i Europa”, og dernest ser vi at sertifikatet hjelper oss “å reise fritt“. Sertifikatet, som faglig for lengst er erkjent å ikke ha vist noe som helst effekt som smittereduserende tiltak (det kan det heller ikke ha, vaksinasjon stopper jo ikke smitte), representerer altså trygghet og frihet. Den orwelliske nytalen skriker mot oss her.

Her er vårt brev:

Dear representatives of the people living in and from the outside of the EU/EEA-region,

Thank you all for taking responsibility for the wellbeing of the people of the region, by protecting their rights to life, freedom and property.

By representing the people of the states that are parties to the agreement, each one of you represent the people by protecting their rights in the best possible way. That is, by working for the people and safeguarding their rights.

The EU COVID Certificate is represented as a way to travel “freely”. It says that holders of EU Digital COVID Certificates meeting certain requirements should, in almost all circumstances, not be subject to any additional requirements when exercising their free movement rights. It is presented in a way that gives the impression that one can travel and move freely. But not without taking a potentially lethal injection as often as “required”. That is per definition not freedom, it is experimentation on living human beings without their informed consent. It represents a serious violation of the Nuremberg code. Let me remind you that the people of Norway have said no to the EU twice, so a required consent from the Norwegian people are totally absent.

Let this be clear: Freedom does not require any restrictions. Freedom of movement does not require permission from anyone. There cannot be any restrictions connected to freedom. Where there is restrictions and requirements to be free, there is per definition no freedom. That is slavery. Let it be clear that EU/EEA are under no circumstances entitled to act as owners of the people living in the EU / EEA area. That would be breaching the social contract giving the EU/EEA authority to preserve, care for and respect the rights of the people. By being their servants, making their lives even better and care for their common goods. Also caring for and respecting for the nature, living animals and all life.

I remind you all to stay conscious and responsible towards the people living in the EU/EEA region and from outside the Union. It is comparable with enslaving living human beings with the digital as well as non-digital EU COVID Certificate, asking of them to risk their lives by taking the potentially lethal injections to be granted freedom.

This is nothing more than a highly aggressive marketing and selling at the taxpayers’ expense of vaccine manufacturers’ products, to implement an agenda that does not serve living people. That represent a clear and present danger to the living human beings, compared to being sick with covid and acquire natural immunity. Let me remind you all that neither “the science”, companies as e.g., Pfizer or any of us can foresee the long-term effects of the ongoing experiment with the conditionally approved vaccines, driven by unreliable tests.

I hereby remind you all to be aware of your responsibility to all of the human beings living in the EU/EEA and from countries outside the Union. The only option is therefore to reject this EU COVID Certificate proposal and all future COVID certificate proposals, included this proposed extension of EU Digital COVID Certificate Regulation.


Veien fremover

Foreningen Lov og Helse har nå eksistert i over 4 år. Ledergruppen vurderer gjennom møter hver 14. dag vårt formål og diskuterer hvordan foreningen skal drives videre, hvilke saker vi skal jobbe med og hvilket fokus vi må ha.

Håpet har vel vært at en forening som denne burde være overflødig i et demokratisk tuftet samfunn, men dessverre er ikke det tilfellet. Ei heller ser det ut til å bli bedre i overskuelig fremtid. Tvert imot vurderer vi at behovet for motstemmer bare blir større og større.  Før sommeren besluttet vi derfor å formelt registrere foreningen i Brønnøysundregistrene.

Foreningen er åpen for alle som vil, uansett bakgrunn og virke. Men vi er fortsatt en forening som står for full ytringsfrihet, ekte demokrati og autonom bestemmelsesrett over egen kropp.

Alle vi som er i ledergruppen jobber på frivillig basis, og alt materiell og drift av nettsider mm betales av vår private økonomi. LoH ønsker ikke å ta medlemskontingent, men har besluttet å operette en bankkonto 9230 37 67187 og VIPPS nr 942071 slik at du som medlem kan støtte vårt arbeid med en frivillig sum, om du ønsker det.

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